Transport Malta commercial Yacht code 2020
The Commercial Yacht Code 2020 will replace the Commercial Yacht Code of 2015 and shall become effective as of the 1st of January 2021.

The Commercial Yacht Code 2020 launched by Merchant Shipping Directorate on 24th November 2020. This Code will replace the Commercial Yacht Code of 2015 and shall become effective as of the 1st of January 2021 for all commercial yachts.
Existing commercial yachts already certified in accordance to the CYC 2015, shall comply with the requirements of the CYC 2020 by not later than the yacht’s first periodical survey carried out after the 1st June 2021. The Directorate and the Code itself provide for special consideration to the phasing-in of new/optimised applicable requirements on existing yachts.